Coach K's Health Spot

The alphabet - the letter C DSC_0008_5 letter A letter c letter H IMG_5637

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tool 2: Building Community and Comments PLN (Personal Learning Networks)

I think the idea of building a network outside of a network within(School district) is a great concept. This actually reminds me of when I used to participate in an online community such as Xanga, and somewhat like the popular Facebook that we have today. Especially the commenting part when people just simply update their status, and all of our friends comment on what we may be doing at the time. The whole following people and keeping up with them is like twitter, because they update their status continuously throughout the day. Blogging is simply the same thing, and the neat part about it is collaborating with people from all over the place. I could follow someone from another state to see what they might be doing with their curriculum in relation to the Health Fitness world. Even share ideas with others or even inspire others to take an idea and create one from that idea. Like I said the concept is phenomenal, I must say I am a little on the fence when it does come down to what we as Health Fitness educators do and that is having our students stay active, and learn life long leisure activities that can promote a healthy lifestyle. So when my colleagues are pondering the idea of how we will incorporate these skills within our classroom setting or shall I say the gym/outside it will be a challenge, however I am constantly looking for new innovative ways to deliver the instruction and activities to my students. I think this can just be an extra "tool" to add to what we already do in our profession and that it can help to further bridge the gap as far as technology inside and outside the classroom, because our students are in a new era that is constantly changing so it is time for us to adapt as well to reach them. Most of the blogs I chose for now are Health Fitness teachers that I know personally, and I will be commenting later once we get rolling more into discussing the topics at hand directly related to our curriculum, plus I am still learning and exploring where I can find other blogs that relate to my specifics. So I will be commenting soon, but what stood out to me the most was the fact of how commenting can turn a statement into a conversation and furthermore create discussion from just one person to multiple numbers of people.


  1. What a surprise!...your blog is so long! LOL...But I agree with you...this is a great way to communicate with people not only in our school, but in Spring Branch, and outside the district! Hope you're having a great summer Coach K!

  2. I wrote a really long insightful comment which was then lost by the stupid blog. Arrgh! To sum up less articulately: blog good. other blogs good for inspiration.
